Thursday, April 18, 2013

10 months x2

So the babies are actually 11 months old today- so I suppose that I should get this finished up before I forget!! yikes I'm behind!

I cannot believe that the babies have entered double digits. I can't believe that they are now older than Ellie ever was. This milestone was much harder than I even anticipated that it would be. The several rounds of fevers the kids had certainly didn't help at all. But we got through it, and the babies are double digits!

Weight: 18lb, 4oz.

Diaper Size: size 4

Clothing Size: 12 months

Nicknames: Buddy, Giant Baby, Mister

Feeding: Levi still takes about six bottles a day of Gentlease formula. He does a good job with his purees, and is finally doing better with solids. However, we are still very, very slow to introduce them as neither baby does a great job. He's had bits of kiwi, mango, banana (so not a favorite- he hates them!), carrot and avocado. Plus the puffs.

Sleep: Levi usually goes to sleep around 7:30pm and that's a stretch for him. I think he would be happier going to sleep a little earlier but that doesn't really work with our schedule- sorry buddy! He takes to naps a day, and they are usually pretty good. However, they started to get sick at the end of the month, and that really put a horrible wretch in the schedule. Sick babies are not sleeping babies!

Firsts: First Baby Shower- one neighbor threw a shower for another and the babies went with me to celebrate. Levi met his friend, Jason for the first time! Jason is the son of my good friend from college and we were soooo excited to finally meet him! St. Patrick's Day. We didn't do anything, and in all honesty, the kids didn't even wear their cute outfits until the next day- that's what happens when Mommy doesn't feel good I guess!

Skills/ Milestones: Getting up on his hands and knees- he is so close to crawling! He does this cute little army crawl/ scoot thing! Standing up at the couch without much help. Plays Patty-Cake. Improving on his self-feeding skills. Doing a great job waving and even does it without being prompted! Turning pages of a book. Got a tooth on the top- three total!

Words/ Noises: Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Ba-Ba, Ni-Ni

Life with Levi: Levi is observant and very focused. He is reserved at first but his little personality is really emerging. He is so silly! Once he decides that something or someone is ok, he will gladly share his smiles. He loves to cuddle and is so sweet with stuffed animals and dolls. Levi has finally started to fight back a little bit when Addy takes things away. He is becoming super interested in books and really likes to look at the faces of things. Levi is a pretty laid back baby but when he is tired, hungry or not feeling well, he is quick to cry- and it is a very pathetic cry. When he sticks his lip out, he looks just like his brother! I could just cuddle him all day long! And he'd probably let me too!

Weight: 16lbs

Diaper Size: Size 3

Clothes Size: nine months for most everything. But some shirts and dresses are 12mos.

Nicknames: Buggy, Bug, Buggers, Little Missy, Stink Face, Buglet

Eating: This child is going to blow away in the wind, if she doesn't start eating more! A somewhat nasty cold and ear infection really put a damper on her already finicky eating habits. Towards the end of the month, she was only eating 2-3 oz about six times a day. She only eats bites of her purees and bites of whatever solid we give her. She has eaten chunks of kiwi, carrots, apples, avocado, mango and banana. She does not like banana either! We can usually get her to eat puffs, but she has even been refusing these lately :(

Sleep: Addy went from sleeping almost all the way through the night for over a week, to having to be held ALL night long. Being sick really made it hard for her to get good sleep so we ended up with her in our arms for pretty much the whole night. I also think that not eating during the day made it hard for her to rest well at night. She is generally taking two naps a day, but with the illness she has been taking little cat naps on and off all day.

Firsts:  First Baby Shower- one neighbor threw a shower for another and the babies went with me to celebrate. Addy met her friend, Jason for the first time! Jason is the son of my good friend from college and we were soooo excited to finally meet him! St. Patrick's Day. We didn't do anything, and in all honesty, the kids didn't even wear their cute outfits until the next day- that's what happens when Mommy doesn't feel good I guess!

Skills/ Milestones: Addy is almost crawling. She is sooo close! Days away I would guess! Plays peek-a-boo with blankie and also does a pretty good Patty-cake. Standing up at the couch or holding onto our hand- she thinks she's so cool when she does this! Addy waves, has starting pointing, and is pretty good at feeding herself. Addy got a tooth on the top!

Words/ Noises: Ma-ma, Da-Da, Ba-Ba, MA-MA!!!, mo-mo (more), Hiiii, he-he. Ba-ba (which I think is for her bottle). "inky"- stinky. Ba (ball).

Life with Addy: This little stinker sure gives us a run for our money! (and I can say that because we did in-vitro and we did actually pay for our children!) She is so funny, mischievous and too adorable to get mad at. Addy craves attention and gets rather annoyed if she's not the center of attention. If people are laughing and she isn't directly involved in the situation- she laughs anyways. Even from across the room. Her stink face cracks me up and she knows even her "I'm annoyed with you" face is funny. We see her stink face quite often these days and I can only imagine what the teenage years are going to be like with this one! She likes to pick on play with her brother and when he isn't with her, she definitely notices. There is no way that he gets to do something or have something that she doesn't. Addy is good stuff, that's for sure!

Some pictures of our small people-


RememberingBella said...

Happy 11 months!!!! They are picture perfect little ones =)

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

They are so cute. I'm just amazed and in awe that you can even post this! Even a month late! You're a busy mama with all those kiddos in your house.

Love the St. Patrick's Day picture. I'm so proud of Max for sporting some festive gear. Can I just tell you how much I love the long-sleeved shirt under a short-sleeved shirt look? I know it's a necessity in Minnesota where you're STILL receiving snow, but I think it's cute nonetheless. Also, our weather sucks too. :/

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