Learning how to play pretend-
Learning about Santa Claus-
Making incredible messes and reading stories under the slide-
Doing lots of sensory activities-

Doing some Christmas crafts-

(the totally jank felt board Christmas tree I made for Max)

Making presents for Max's teachers, therapists and family-
Making hand scrubs: Lemon Sugar, and Brown Sugar and Vanilla
I also made Skittles Vodka too, but I haven't strained it yet so it just looks like throw up in a mason jar...
Drunken Gummy Bears (I guess 'Tis the season for vodka!)
Getting into places we shouldn't-

Missing our girl-

Baking these two little ones-
Almost two weeks ago already!!
Getting Build-A-Bears for Pebbles and Bam-Bam like we have for every other baby of ours-

Doing laundry and lots and LOTS of other chores-

I'll update on the two in the oven soon!
1) Max is SO cute!
2) I want someone to make me delicious vodka treats for Christmas. (and the other things look awesome, too!)
3) Cutest baby belly ever!
I read your blog whenever you update and keep you, Ellie and your entire family in my thoughts always. Hugs to you!
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