1. Max playing in the garage
2. The park near our house is covered in spider webs and the other day the sun was shining just right and the whole web lit up- it was kinda cool.
3. At the apple orchard- "Twist, twist, twist..."
4. More apple orchard- "Dunk!"
5. The tree near Ellie's spot- right where we park. It's starting to turn pink. It was all pink when we buried Ellie last year. When I arrived at the cemetery the other day and saw that it had started to change, it hit me really hard. I was a little surprised. It's just another reminder of how long she's really been gone.
6. The super ugly and alarmingly large wild turkeys that hang out in the cemetery.
7. Ellie's spot- view from the car since it was rainy...
8. Sensory Integration Therapy: aka "Pretty Music." Max is supposed to listen to the classical music twice a day, for about 15 min. to prep him for the program. Which will eventually help him to focus on the task in front of him and ignore outside noises.
9. Actually using his spoon. He had mastered this skill but one day started flipping out when we gave him a spoon. But he started using it again this week. I have never seen someone eat a cup of yogurt more slowly... but at least he's doing it himself...
10. From Picasso Jr.
11. Driving the fire truck at his school picnic last night
12. Riding in the fire truck... he never would have done this last year- we were thrilled and so were his teachers!
13. Playing in the gym at school. Getting ready to go into the ball pit. The gym is pretty awesome- I'm a little jealous he gets to go play there every day...
14. Sitting in the big boy chair at his three year check up this afternoon. He rocked the check-up. The Dr. was impressed. And he was SO cooperative. He didn't get shots today- we'll go back another day and just see a nurse. He really likes our doctor and his nurse so we don't want him to associate them with the shots.
Remembering September 30th, 2010
Hanging at home with Mommy. When life was better, more careful. When Peanut was here.
Playing out on the patio in the cool fall air. Ellie and I (mostly me) had a bit of a BabyLegs obsession and these were one of our new favorites! She also had a new super cute dress that was purchased as an option for pictures...
Our boy with his crazy curls and typical forehead bruise!
Very rare pictures. Ellie was sitting in the kitchen with me and Max actually sat down to play near here- and with the same toy! I couldn't get the camera fast enough! I like how in the first picture even Ellie is like "MOM! Are you catching this?!" I also love her chunky thighs, and how this picture caught her ankle cross (which she did all the time but we hardly have any pictures of) and how the toes on the left foot are gripping the toy!
Typical- Max staring at the toy and Ellie staring at Max. I can tell that she's excited by how her mouth is open a little bit, her arms are tucked up, fingers spread, and she is starting to scoot her feet in and out. She loved when Max would come over by her!