Thursday, December 9, 2010

In the stars...

Tonight Dave and I went to the cemetery to check on Ellie's Christmas lights. We left the car outside the gates and walked towards her spot. The cemetery starts at the top of a large, gradually sloping hill. Once we got to the stop of the hill, we were able to see her lights, wrapped around her tree, twinkling in the darkness. We wrapped two nets of white lights around the truck of the tree. They aren't tightly secured to the tree, so to me they look like a soft, fuzzy cluster of stars.
As we stood at her gravesite, I was struck by the peaceful beauty of the night. The sky was mostly dark, with dark pinks and purples on the horizon. Large pine trees silouettes surrounded us. Not a cloud in the sky, thousands of stars sparkled high above.
On our way back to the car, we stared up at the vast sky, and I asked Dave where he thought Ellie was. He pointed to a star in the sky. I agreed. But really, I think she's everywhere. I think she's in every star, in the wind, the rain, the sunshine and clouds. It's strange, but now that she's not "here" with us anymore, I see her everywhere.

Which reminds me of a picture Dave took of Ellie through the window this fall... You really can see her everywhere- even in the trees...


Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful picture. It's wonderful that you are keeping her alive.

Colleen said...

That picture is absolutely amazing.

This is my first time commenting on your blog, and I wish I had words of comfort for your pain. While I have not walked in your shoes exactly, my sister has. She lost her 3 month old daughter 15 years ago. Every year, everyone in our family gathers to celebrate my niece's birthday. She is always missed, and never forgotten, just like your Ellie. My prayers and thoughts are with your family.

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