That's how many fleece blankets we made, or were donated, to give to Children's Hospital in Ellie's memory. Forty-five! That doesn't include the 10 small fleece baby blankets, 8 regular baby blankets, 20 flannel baby blankets, and a couple large bedding blankets. We are holding onto some of the more adult blankets for the PICU comfort kits and the baby blankets for memory boxes and death care kits.
The large fleece tie blankets were loaded up in the car and brought to the hospital today. Half of the blankets were brought to the PICU where Ellie died and my mom and I brought the other half, up to the 8th floor, where I used to work. It didn't bother me to go to the hospital. I have been there twice since we had to leave Ellie. But I absolutely did not want to go down to the ICU so the staff brought those blankets to them. I did however, want to go up to the 8th floor. I know I've said it before, but I am so lucky to have worked with such amazing people. So loving and kind. It makes me happy to see them- even if it was just for a few minutes.
Each blanket was washed in hypo-allegenic detergent, then rolled, wrapped with a ribbon, and then a jingle bell and note were added. We added the jingle bell for two reasons. One is because they remind me of Ellie- an Elle Belle, and two, because "everytime a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings." While these blankets are not necessarily for dying children, they are all from Angels. Children that are no longer with us.
Also, at Ellie's party we collected food for the local food bank. Here is what we were able to donate in Ellie's memory. Approx 300lbs of food!!
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that contributed to the blanket project or the food bank donation. We really appreciate your help in keeping Ellie's Light shining!!
Wow! You have quite the project here! This reminds me of what I did back in November in memory of my daughter TanaLee. You can view pictures of my project at
Wow. It's amazing what you and Ellie have done. Thank you for allowing Julius to be part of this extraordinary project. You are an amazing woman. And that pic of Ellie is so precious!
amazing! you are giving something to so many families, because of your love for Ellie. I have had many people ask about how I can manage to do all that I have with River's project and all I can say is: how can I NOT do this, it's because I have so much love for him that I can move forward (inches at a time some days) and help others. I am inspired by Ellie and your project to remember her. I agree that our children set up meetings, so we can help each other out on occasion! Thinking of you and your sweet Ellie, such an adorable photograph!
This is just amazing!! Thank you so much for making my Eden Grace a part of this awesome project. It makes me smile and I know our angel's are in heaven smiling down too.
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